
Everyday at 6AM & 12AM

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Prayer Devotionals for 2023

  • January: The Holy Spirit

    The Holy Spirit's presence ushers us into a new way of living and experiencing the blessedness of being children of God. Acknowledging Him in all our daily activities and decisions allows us to grow what identifies us as God's mature children who can be trusted.

  • February: Restoration

    God's desire to restore is demonstrated in the beginning when humankind deviated from God's original plan for their lives. God is relentless in pursuing us and paving the way for our return. Restoration always breathes new life and hope into our situations and communities.

  • March: Healing

    It is God's nature to heal, and He never changes. He is called Jehovah-Rapha, the God who heals!

  • April: Resurrection

    Our Savior was betrayed, battered, died and buried by Friday. It looked like all hope was gone. But death lost its influence by Sunday! Resurrection changed the story! Hallelujah!

  • May: The Rest of the Lord

    We have come into a season of fulfillment of the promises and prophecies of God for our lives. Nothing can stop God from bringing His rest to His beloved if we are willing and obedient.

  • June: Adoption

    There I was in cold upstate New York, a college student far away from home. I felt a depth of loneliness and depression. Then one day at church I saw the cutest little twins and offered myself as a babysitter. One visit to this family and we were all in love. They took me in as a daughter, and I took them on as my family. Here we are 33 years later and our racial discordance has never stood in the way of us being family. That’s adoption; a relationship that defies biological boundaries.

  • July: The Name of Jesus

    The name JESUS is a Greek translation of the Hebrew name Joshua. It means “the Lord saves” or “the Lord is my help” or “the Lord is salvation.” CHRIST means “the anointed one”. Jesus taught his disciples to use His name. So powerful is His name and mission that demons are subject to His name, every knee in heaven and earth bows to the name of Jesus, and lame men are made to stand. His name reflected His mission and that mission continues today.

  • August: Hope

    Hope is “the confident and eager expectation of good.” It is a destination; a place you deeply desire to get to that is set by God. Lowering one's expectations is how some have tried to protect their hearts from the frustration of delay but it doesn’t work. The hope born by God does not disappoint. Even when we are going through challenges, He takes the opportunity to forge our character and build hope in us.

  • September: Authority

    The authority Jesus gives us draws people into healing and salvation. We walk upon the earth with ‘one tunic’ and might not look to the human eye like we carry power but we do. Do not let your external circumstances confuse you. The one who holds all power in His hands has given you authority and power to rule on earth

  • October: Kingdom of God

    The kingdom of God is not a church, an idea or a place just in heaven. God’s kingdom is the domain of His authority. That domain and the dominion of God’s rule span all time, generations, localities and space. He rules over His Kingdom forever from His throne in heaven. To dwell in His Kingdom is to be in the spiritual state in which we access and live under God’s rule.

  • November: Walking With The Lord

    The company we keep consistently will shape our thoughts, actions, and the direction of our lives. Who better to walk with than the Lord? Keeping company with Him reorients our lives and positions us to serve our generation.“Walking with” can refer to taking stock, marking territory for possession, stepping into a situation, or taking strides in one's purpose. It also infers keeping alignment and obedience with someone. When you walk with anyone you lean in to keep pace, direction and purpose going.

  • December: Growing in Fellowship

    Fellowship is a major system in the Kingdom of God. In fellowship we have opportunities to associate, become a life-giving community, forge partnerships, and pursue God's purpose together. Our growth is interconnected as we each supply what we have received in our individual fellowship with the Lord for the betterment of the whole.


Prayer Requests

All prayer requests are kept confidential. Please indicate whether you would like one of our ministry staff to contact you



God the Father is with me.

Jesus is helping me.

The Holy Spirit is guiding me.

I am what the Word says I am.

The Kingdom of God is within me.

I am receiving wisdom, knowledge, understanding and power from God now.

I have God’s peace and a sound mind.

I am a lifegiver to my family, community and nation.

I have strength for all things through Christ who empowers me!